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2019 Grow North + Workshop 6 'Fermentation'

06 October 2019


Venue: Findon Hall, Culbokie

Facilitator : Fiona (Fuggo) King

Have a go at making your own delicious sauerkraut, full of nutrients and probiotics. Also a great food preservation method, to get away from freezing and endless jars from the shops. Also some information about other fermentation options including kimchis, pickles and chutneys.  

There are also a lot of fermented milk products that we can look at if time.

A short list of what to bring will be sent in advance.

Tea/coffee provided.

Cost: by donation (suggest £5-£10)

Booking essential (numbers limited) : email grownorth@transitionblackisle.org

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.